Monday, September 30, 2013

Late Twenties- for a Guy

Late twenties are the most revealing period in a man’s life. It feels like the waiting room in the train station where you are, with your entire luggage geared up and waiting to catch another train. Only this train will take you to your final destination. It’s a pause from the hectic journey you did in the past. Have a little break sip tea or coffee and reflect on your journey. The catch is there are 18 years of choices burdened on you. Every decision has bought you to this point. From here on out the road is clear. There is a very little chance of a miracle. You can probably see how it will be, what you will be in the next ten years.

Having so much vivid clarity can be overwhelming. There could be instances where you would be depressed as an under achiever. As the destination becomes fairly clear it could bring joy or it could bring heavy emotions of despair. “I did not think I would end up like this”- is what underachievers would think. However if you are one of the lucky ones, it could be a different story all together. It could present a world of opportunities. It could be a center stage from where you can launch that final sprint to success.

Then there is a flip side of the coin. That is the personal life. For a guy, I can tell that from my personal experience- professional and personal lives are interlinked. It directly affects your psyche. If you are a successful one or shall I say if you can manage the stress at work you will be able to manage your home as well. Again a demanding wife or a stupid girlfriend can rust that finesse of a successful man. Guys are the most wonderful creatures in the world. They have this brilliant ability of rearranging emotions as boxes within their subconscious. Every feeling every memory is preserved perfectly in a box. They have the brilliant ability to compartmentalize feelings. To understand this just think how many times did you have a fresh fight with your girlfriend on an irrelevant thing that happened in the past?!! Guys love to live in the present.

Now finally how does it feel to be single at your late twenties? It should be for single guy in this planet a world of possibilities. We earn our place, live independently, work like hell and starve to have fun! Even if we are busy every one of us has a unique way of releasing the stress. I for one love blogging, driving photography, music, sauvignon flavors and lager beers and scotch whiskey. If I love a girl who is a hip hop or indi pop that is a disaster. Even a tequila and night club person in a disaster for me. However beer and pool table lady serves just fine. Anyway the bottom line is- they should be like you, think like you and they should love your hobbies. The phrase “Opposites Attract” works perfectly in magnetism, it never works in a relationship! So whatever you do don’t waste your time after the wrong set of girls. Or shall I say they are the right set of girls- just not right one for you. Time is a luxury we don’t have so invest that wisely.

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