Saturday, March 23, 2013

Be your Own Man

Be your own man:

The biggest drawback about us humans is that we are too bloody concerned about others. Yes you don’t need to bother what the other person is doing. Who the other person is seeing, what is his aim? - How does he deserve his social status? Yes you don’t need to worry about that.

Please keep your head down and do your job. Do whatever you feel, however you feel- if you are any good you will have friends, family and all the rest. Bottom line is- if we really want to be in touch with someone we will. Sometimes it is just not possible. Too much of commitments at work and life- sometimes people get left out.

You should not go by the present. Yes your son did not get a chance to call. That doesn’t mean he does not care. It means that he is busy wrapping up something’s so that he can talk in peace sometime later. Is it really so hard to understand?

If parents can’t trust the judgment of their children, that is because somewhere inside they don’t trust their own judgment. Only so long you can keep correcting someone, feel concerned for someone. Then there comes a day when you got to let go and trust your own. Let them be their own man!

So far none of the Bengali parents have tried to find out when that day is? What that day means? If we want a progressive society- we got to let go of our hypocrite at home.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Social Experiment

It’s really enlightening how distance gives you the perspective for what really matters in life. If you are alone and you do not have any inhibitions, responsibilities- it kind of gives the life a new meaning. You can literally do whatever you want. It’s kind of strange to realize what a person can do if he was allowed to whatever the hell he wanted. Do not have your parents’ guide you. Teach you what is right or wrong- then you would really be the kind of person you wanted. Let nature take its course- a tree will always bend towards the light. Let’s not play around with the light and make an experiment out of the tree.

Have we really thought about it—imagine a boy with lots of potential but no one to guide. People will say that he will become wasted. Yes that is true for some social factors- say food, clothing and shelter. These are the only 3 factors that tame the baser instincts. Had we been into that mode- kill or be killed we would have become animals. Now that evolution has taken its course- let’s not get into that argument.
Say the three factors are constant and we add fourth factor- money. We have ten subjects who are all given the same care and little bit of everything (literature, science, music, fine arts, sports…) for 10 years of their life. Here is what I feel will be-

Six of those will be competitors- who will want to beat others at their own game. They will strike each other and keep on striking until they lose their way or the destination becomes illusive. There will be two who will not have any passion- no plans for the future and no desires. They will look at the other six and try everything they do, and ultimately lose interest and give way.

There will be once who will do nothing and enjoy every day as it comes. Look at every moment and enrich his potential. And there will be another one who will have a great passion- a sense of direction, unyielding zeal to succeed and make a difference.

Now let’s cut the crap and get to the point and conclude on this social experiment. The 8/10 will be paper pushers, working class who need to be told what to do. The one with the zeal will become their leader . But society has enough of those. The real difference is made is when the good for nothing kid realizes his potential and finds the zeal to do something. Because of this indifference and undivided attention and total disregard to the society- when he focuses onto something he will create gems.

So the bottom line is we need more unconventional people only then change can come. These are the people who get rebuked by their own generation and then made Gods in the next and subsequent generations. Well this is the life of a human- a social animal!