Sunday, November 9, 2014

Interstellar- Facts and Fiction

It’s been a really long time since I have written a blog. I have not never done a movie review in my life and this is not a movie review in any case. This is a list down of the facts and fiction on the recently released Interstellar. So if you are still reading it- the contents of my blog are of my own and they are based on the practical and theoretical knowledge that I have.

Let’s list down the possible facts one by one-
  • Dust storms and desertification are a very possible scenario in the near future, this happens due to rapid deforestation and climate change. The future shown in this movie is a real possibility. It will not happen in our lifetimes but it’s a real possibility three generations down the line unless we can do something about it.
  • Food shortage is bound to happen and human kind will run out of fresh water- fortunately good research is getting done so that it does not become a “real” crisis.
  • The black hole rendered in the movie led to an actual scientific discovery about black holes. This is a first for science fiction movie genre.
  • The shape of the wormhole will be a sphere. In single dimension the shortest distance in between two points in space is a point. In 2 D i.e. in a sheet of paper, it’s a circle, likewise in a 3D space the wormhole has to be a sphere.
  • Time dilation is real. The mass of a body affects the space around it thus affecting time. It’s the theory of relativity.

Now let’s dive in to the good part-

  • Wormholes require a humongous amount of energy and it is like a sink hole. If there was truly a naturally occurring wormhole as near as Saturn it would have sucked any matter or energy out of our solar system or it could have pushed new matter into our system. Who knows what could have happened after that.
  • To keep a wormhole open for a few years as it was shown in this movie is not possible. A wormhole of any size would collapse as the very instance it was created unless there is negative energy preventing it from collapsing.
  • Even if the wormhole of that size were to be open, the radiation from that would kill microorganism from our solar system. Thus mankind would be killed even before they could have managed to observe the wormhole by a telescope.
  • It is not physically possible with the current technology to go through a worm hole. The space time is so tightly wrapped inside a wormhole that no spaceship will be able to get in and out of a wormhole in one piece.

I would have carried on with the black-hole and the three dimensional projection of time, but those seemed to be unnecessary. Basically no one knows what is inside a black hole. We don’t have any theory in physics that can explain what happens inside a blackhole. So it is anyone’s guess.

(PS: These are my personal opinions. Please don’t make me a victim of internet rage. ;) Peace out!)

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