Trip to Coffee Shop
It started as a walk down the aisle.Brute force of life willingness to see the light-
As leagues of children make way onto the grand road-
The social main-stream –
The “Broadway”
The struggle to get the catch the first breadth
The indulgence of blue and the willingness to touch
To smell and to grab and feel all of that
All of what we call the World
All of that makes it worthwhile...
Or you could say it is a Coffee Shop
Coffee lovers go in.
Grab a coffee and drink it
Enjoy the ambiance the drench of caffeine
And the conversation-
If someone asks while coming back
What did you learn?
What did you do the others did not?
It’s the same coffee for everyone.
I would say I chose my cup
The one which suited me
I made my liquor and blend of milk
The way I mixed sugar and honey.
The nugget little amount of whipped cream.
The way I asked the waitress-
The way I smiled and waved
The respect I showed to her-
As she served me the cup
I would say God- you gave me the chance
To be here and drink the coffee
You gave me the choices of liquor and milk
The way I made my cup was my choice
It is for no one to judge-
My choice and my experience-
But I am thankful to you-
Because the experience was worthwhile.
we at the little magazine were the luckiest ones to have witnessed this poem. too good.